Voting Results for 2015
Here are the voting results for the 2015 term: The Nationals Question: Should the APA have alternating year Nationals? The results were: Yes, Nationals should be every other year. President: Rob Caldwell Treasurer: Arleen Strider Board At Large: Richard Balogh and Jarred Conley Central Zone Representative: Stephanie Shuttles Eastern Zone Representative: Michele Lahr Thanks everyone! Laura Humphreys2025 Crosse-Over-Challenge
The PDP is excited to announce a Crosse-Over-Challenge, which is a competition in which players take a horse of any breed or background and develop it for polocrosse! The challenge will culminate in a showcase during the 2025 National Championships, where they will be evaluated on their progress, agility, responsiveness, and overall suitability for polocrosse. ...
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