Men’s Test Match in Wanganui, New Zealand

Eight players on the USA World Cup shortlist are traveling to Wanganui, New Zealand for a Men’s Test Match on February 3-5, 2023. Traveling with the team is coach Rob Shuttles, manager Wade Liner, and assistant coach Gordon Duff.

USA Men’s Team:
Karl Balogh – Sugarloaf Mountain
Glenn Bigsby – Big Sky
Rahul Desai – Carolina
Braxton Hamlin – Tennessee Valley
Garrett Hamlin – Tennessee Valley
Houston Hutcherson – Lone Star
Evan Vallee – Carolina
Alt, Zach Hulbert – Tennessee Valley

The USA Men’s team will play in a 3 Match Series during the Kakatahi Tournament. The New Zealand team for the Men’s Test Match is Ty Murray, Jack Kinder, Martin White, Scott Morgan, Dwayne McKay, Josh Sims-Fowler, and Jarrod Richardson. The New Zealand Team coach is Shane Hill and the manager is Nicky Schrafft.

Players from New Zealand will arrive in Atlanta, GA in April for a Ladies’ Test Match during the Sandie Creek Tournament.

Men's Test Match Team Info