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Umpire Test
Umpire Test
General knowledge rules test.
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What is the size of a Polocrosse Field?
100 yards x 50 yards
160 yards x 60 yards
150 yards x 50 yards
Which players must give way when the no. 1 and no. 3 players are following a ball out from the goal scoring area and/or 30 yard line?
The opposing No. 1 and No.3
The No. 2 players
All players in midfield
The umpire has the right to declare time off for any reason he/she considers necessary.
The umpire shall be entitled to over-rule Goal Judges and sideline umpires.
If the ball or hoof of the horse of a player who is in possession of the ball is on the boundary line, is the ball in play?
If the ball lies on the 30 yard line, who may play the ball?
Center Field players only
None of the above
When a No 1 attempts a goal and the ball is deflected off the No 3s stick, and crosses over the back line, who gets the ball? ?
No. 1 from the back line
No. 3 from the back line
No. 3 from the 30 yard line
Umpires throw
None of the above
What should the Umpire do when a player does not take his free throw from the designated spot?
Neutral line out / Umpires throw in
Retake the free throw
Opposition ball from the spot
None of the above
All 10 yard throws must travel in a forward direction
If a throw fails to travel 10 yards what should the umpire do?
Give the ball to the opposing player
Neutral line out / throw in from the nearest sideline by the umpire
Allow the 10 yard throw to be retaken
When two umpires control the game and there is a dispute between them who has the final decision?
The senior of the two umpires
The umpire that throws the ball in first
The referee (when available)
When play stops for broken gear, how does the umpire restart the game?
With a line-up
With a free throw to the non-offending team
With a free throw to the team in possession
The following items count as a penalty in terms of broken gear (select all that apply)….
Saddle Pads
Polos/Leg Wraps
Can a number 3 defending their goal throw their stick at the ball in flight?
Define a sandwich in relation to polocrosse?
Cheese and turkey between two slices of bread.
When three or more players ride for each other.
When three or more players make simultaneous contact.
None of the above.
May a player hand his stick to another player with the ball in it?
Yes, if the other player loses his stick
If the umpire agrees
No, under no circumstances
None of the above.
Which of the following would qualify as a legal bounce across the 30 yard line for a #1 carrying the ball into the 30 yard area?
A bounce that first lands in the midfield
A bounce that hits the 30 yard line
A bounce that lands inside the 30 yard area
B and C
All of the above
When is it legal to reach across an opposing players centerline?
It is never legal to reach across an opposing players centerline.
It is always legal to reach across an opposing players centerline
When the opposing player is not in possession of the ball.
19. When is it legal to make contact with an opposing players racket across their centerline?
It is never legal to make contact with an opposing players racket across their centerline.
It is always legal to make contact with an opposing players racket across their centerline.
When the opposing player is not in possession of the ball.
If a player has “line of the ball”, they have the right of way to cross in front of other players who are riding behind them regardless of the distance?
Number 2’s are allowed within the goal scoring area as long as they don’t interfere with the play and as long as they attempt to leave the area immediately.
As a member of the APA, which of the following is most correct?
Place horse welfare above all other considerations.
Respect and abide the local and federal laws at the venue.
Abide by the APA alcohol policy and code of conduct.
Adhere to the rules and guidelines established by the event organizer.
All of the above.
In the lineup, when can a player make a move for the ball?
When the umpire blows the whistle to start the game.
When the umpire moves to throw the ball in.
When all players are lined up correctly.
Once the ball leaves the umpire's hand.
The ball rolls into an area and stops, the #1 and #3 are coming at it from different directions. Who has the right of way?
Can a player whose team has the ball cause an illegal wedge/sandwich with their own player?
The umpire throws the ball in at the lineup and the ball tips off the racket head of a players racket and rolls over the sideline. How does the umpire proceed?
How does the umpire proceed if the ball bounces straight out of the net of a player's racket and rolls over the sideline?
How does the umpire proceed if the ball is thrown in and makes it to the ground and a player then goes to catch or pick it up but it tips off any part of their racket and rolls over the sideline?
At what height should the umpire throw the ball into the lineup?
Between the players shoulder and racket length when raised above their heads.
As high as the umpire pleases.
Chest level of the players.
Roll the ball on the ground between players.
What is the proper positioning of the umpires on the field in relation to the sidelines, areas, and flow of the game?
lead to the right and trail to the left of your sideline / T (lead towards the area to your right)
lead to the left, trail to the right of your sideline / T (lead towards the area to your left).
If the game is stopped due to a horse injury or fall, how is it restarted?
10 yard throw to the team who had possession prior to the fall or neutral line out if there was no possession.
10 yard throw to the opposition.
Neutral lineout.
If the game is stopped due to a player falling where their head or shoulders contact the ground, how do you proceed?
Continue with play.
Stop play immediately and have the player evaluated by medical personnel.
Stop play and let the player resume play.
Look the other way.
How does the #1 proceed after a missed shot on goal?
Follow out on the #3’s hip
Follow out 10 yards behind the #3
Go to midfield 10 yards away from #3
What is the penalty for riding through the goal posts if all four feet of said players' horse cross through the back line of the goal posts?
Free throw to the opposing team
Free goal to the opposing team
2 minute time out
What is the maximum number of times that a player can consecutively use their whip / crop on their horse?
As many times as they would like.
Extra Credit What are penalties 1 through 7