Charlie Horse Tournament Results: March 2017
What another great start to the APA Polocrosse season thank you to Jamie and Deb Zito and the Charlie Horse Club. We had beautiful weather, great food, great competition and that makes for GREAT POLOCROSSE! There were players from all over North America including our friends from Canada that were in attendance all week for a player exchange. a Big THANK YOU to Charlie Horse Club, The Camp Family and Tournament Umpire Greg Russell for making all this happen ! Many divisions came down to ties and sudden death finals great, safe and fun competition. 3 cheers for the ponies!!
First Place: M1 Todd Camp, Amy Lewis, Kelly Pate
Second Place: M2 Jamie Zito, Deb Zito, Kathy McAteer,
Third Place: M3 Donna Ellis, Sarah Dansission,Jeff McAteer
Best Players Stacey Upshaw Best Horse: Slow Joe, Shaikira
A Grade:
First Place: Dingoes Rahul Desai, Braxton Hamlin, Garrett Hamlin
Second Place: TVPC Sloan Hamlin, Sydney Burch, Karl Balogh
Third Place: CPC Girls Sarah Desai, Kate Lahr, Kat Liner
Best Player: Rahul Desai Best Horse: Special
B Grade
First Place: CPC Crawford Liner, Sara Cifelli, Alex Harvey
Second Place: B1 Ally Kimbrough, Jo Guzman, Sophia Solomon
Third Place: B2 Kaylee Camp, Janelle Palmer, Katie Fox
Best Player: Ally Kimbrough Best Horse Birdie
C Grade
First Place: C1 Joclyn Upshaw, Kate Lahr, Dylan Hood
Second Place:C2 Kiara Kowaluk, Alex McAteer, Kyler Haygood
Third Place: TVPC Amy Hamlin, Connie Geary, Justin Lane
Best Player: Joclyn Upshaw Best Horse: Riley
D Grade
First Place: D3 Schyler Stacy, Jack Hood Jr, Rachel Wilson
Second Place: D2 Rebecca Frye, Ellie Wilson, Sienna Adams
Third Place: D1 Alina Hood, Nadia Harrison, Elise McAteer
Best Player: Jack Hood Jr Best Horse: Jack
E Grade
First Place:E2 Patrick Lundrum, Layla Sapp
Second Place: E1 Ella Hatcher, Ashby Hatcher
Third Place: E3 Laurie Balinski, Barbara Burgio
Best Player: PatrickLandrum Best Horse:Luna