This is the beginning of the Tale of the Traveling USA Shirts:
We crossed the cold wet pond and arrived in hot Texas this March. We were so excited that we got to make our debut at the famous Lone Star Polocrosse Tournament we had heard so much about. There was one USA Akuma Polo Team- We got to play with Bri True, Dori Johnson and Rachael Martin(AUS) along with the men, Sam Pohl, Evan Vallee and Jake Burgdorf(AUS).
Photo Credit- Jessie Reed Marketing
We played fast and hard. Polocrosse is quite different than polo!

Photo Credit – Stephanie Young
The USA Akuma Polo World Cup Squad Playing shirts in hot pursuit of the ball!
When we had time to brake and watch some top polocrosse. We did a fun photo shoot to send back to Akuma to use for publicity- Sometimes we got a little silly…

Photo Credit: Jessie Reed Marketing
Lone Star Member – Derek Rumel with the “Pick up of the Year”
Cat Pickens,2003(Best Women player in her bracket) & 2007 USA World Cup member, smiles on with her son August as he’s a part of the budding “Next Generation” of Polocrosse youngsters!
Can’t wait to keep traveling around the country and internationally. We just heard from the World Cup Manager, Patti Cifelli that we will be traveling to Canada and Western Austrialia with Squad Members this summer!
We definitely had a grand start with the USA World Cup Squad!
Some of us got to travel to teach a clinic in May in Colorado with Bri True & Sam Burrows. Next blog post to come about that! Find out why Bri True looks like this!
– The USA World Cup Squad Akuma Shirts