Greetings All!
We are having a great time with the USA Squad Members. Boy are they a busy bunch!
Love these shirts? You can purchase the exact playing shirt! Through the purchase, Team USA gets credit towards playing shirts for the 2015 World Cup!
Get an awesome shirt and support Team USA on their Quest for the Cup!
Over Memorial Weekend, two of us had a great time traveling to Colorado to give a clinic! Bri True and Sam Burrows along with Alvin True gave a tremendous clinic! We think Colorado is one of the most beautiful places to play polocrosse in. We were delivered to Bri’s house and traveled to Peak Polocrosse to give the clinic.
Mountains in the background is Pikes Peak!
The weather was wonderful and there was great play, great skills and drills taught, and sometime to relax and get to know the Mountain Zone players.Bri True is taking a break for lunch to chat with the clinic participants.
We learned about a tradition of the Habanero Polocrosse Club that World Cup Squad Member, Sam Burrows is a part of.
Click on picture to go to their Facebook Page
Eating a Habanero Pepper is often dared by Habanero Polocrosse members to polocrosse players. If the task is completed, you become an honorary member and receive a cool pin!
Is is really worth eating one of the hottest peppers on earth?
Ask Bri True!
Oh yeah – That’s the HOT PEPPER FACE!
Boy was it hot, but we did it! She got her pin of pepper victory!
Bri just told us she’s taking both of us to Western Australia in 6 Days! We can’t wait! We also get to join up with the other Akuma Polo Playing shirts that will be traveling with other World Cup Squad Members to Canada, South Africa and Australia!
Follow us on our World Tour with the USA World Cup Squad members as they train for the 2015 Polocrosse World Cup!
– Greetings from The USA World Cup Squad playing shirts sponsored by Akuma Polo
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