Recap of Horse World Expo Demonstrations

Players from Bay Area, Heartland, Keystone, Sassafras River, Sugarloaf Mountain, and Willow Pond went to Harrisburg, PA for the weekend to showcase polocrosse at Horse World Expo.

The APA had a booth throughout the expo and presented polocrosse demonstrations Friday night and Saturday afternoon.

Jennifer Carpenter announced the chukkas, Lisa Poe and Shaina Taylor goal-tended, and Erin Smoyer umpired. The below members played in the demo:
  • Daniel Barfield
  • Hailey Poe
  • Jillian Smoyer
  • Kylie Ferrentino
  • Kurtis Monahan
  • Lilly Poe
  • Olivia Barfield
  • Sarah Broadhurst
  • Scott Carpenter Jr
  • Shaylin Gotsis
  • Summer Weldon

Find the most up to date calendar of events here.