The 2022 Season has wrapped up, and we are already looking forward to the 2023 season!
Winter is a great opportunity to sharpen up your racket skills at home, so the APA will be hosting a Racket Trick Challenge for APA members! The contest will be 3 racket tricks in 3 rounds.
You will have a month for each round to practice and post a video on Facebook or Instagram showing how many times in a row you can do each trick. Whoever has the highest sum total across the 3 rounds will win a trick stick! Jrs (under 18 on 1/1/23) and Srs (over 18) divisions. You can post multiple video entries each round, the entry with the highest score will be counted. We will be posting leaderboard updates (first name, last initial, and club) throughout the challenge.
Trick 1!
Grab your racket and a ball because the first trick is … *drumroll* … Bouncing!
How many bounces can you do in a row? Videotape yourself doing as many bounces in succession as you can for your Round 1 Entry! Post the video on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #polocrosseracketchallenge
You can post multiple videos and your highest score will be counted, so give it your best shot, and keep practicing until you beat your own score!
Round 1 deadline is December 23. The skill for Round 2 (which will be more difficult!) will be posted the next week.
Prizes sponsored by SC Polocrosse Equipment! Judges monitoring the entries are Kylie Ferrentino, Sabrina Dobbins, and Sara Cifelli