The APA offers its clubs the service of online entry registration for sanctioned events. Tournament Organizers need to contact the President, Katelyn James,, to get the information form so the registration form for your tournament can be posted online. This will simplify your entry system in many ways:
- All entries are captured in a database which easily generates a report at any time for you.
- Non-members can either play as a day member and the fee is automatically added, or they can join online first and eliminate the need for you to send in a membership fee and paperwork.
- Payment can be by check or online through PayPal. Payments will be recorded so you will know who has completed their entry. No chasing down payments.
- Late fees can be added… this helps to get your entries in well before the last minute so that things like food, t-shirts, etc. can be planned ahead.
- Since fees are paid to the APA, your cap fees are automatically deducted, saving you the step. Please note that any paper entries you collect at the tournament or through the mail will need to be turned in.
- The online entry makes it easier for the President and Administrator to the Board to confirm memberships and the Ratings Chair to confirm ratings.
Payment to your club from your entries can be made in up to 3 increments as you need them, or one lump sum after completion of the final payment to the club will be made within 1 week after all paperwork* have been submitted. Fees for online transactions** and cap fees will be automatically subtracted before reimbursement to the club. (With this system in place the club will only be responsible for cap fees and membership fees that were paid at the actual tournament.) Payments to your club can be made by PayPal or by check, once you request a payment from the APA Treasurer.
*The Tournament Organizer is responsible for tournament results, membership forms, and/or any fees to be turned in to Administrator to the Board within the required 14 days after the completion of the tournament. Final payment to the club will not be made until all the required paperwork is complete and all forms acquired by the Tournament Organizer either by mail or at the tournament registration have been sent to the Administrator to the Board.
** Fees for online transactions will be deducted. They are the standard fees any one would pay. (example rate: 2.2% + $0.30 of the total fee…so for a $50 entry, the fee is $1.25)