General news

APA Elections 2016: Results

Election Results Hello APA Members, Our past President, Rob Caldwell, has now contacted all candidates with the results from our elections. We would like to thank our past Board Members for the work they have done during the past two years. Promoting polocrosse, improving the sport and making the APA work has been everyone’s goal. ...

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Elections 2016: Candidate Information

Current APA Seniors: you are eligible to vote for the following candidates at until voting closes on December 30th at midnight, Central Zone time. If you did not get the email from with the voting button on it, or if you are unsure if you are a full Senior member for 2016, please ...

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Election Notice 2016

This notice is a reminder for current APA Senior members about our election process this year. If you or someone you know did not get the election notice…please update us. And, if you know a Senior who would like to vote, all they need to do is become a current member. Just contact me first. ...

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2016 APA Nationals A Success!

A good time was had by all! Thanks to Barb and Tim Fisk for the use of their fabulous facility. Congratulations to all the winners. For a list of all the final results click here!

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Player Development Program News

Erin Barnes, Player Development Program Chair announced that newly revised Player Development program manual will be available to the APA members soon. The new manual will have more clearly defined descriptions of what the Program does, and should help all members to understand what is available to them and their clubs. 2017 Applications for Youth ...

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