Here is some basic information about Nationals….the separate info document will come out soon, and we will let you know when online registration is open. If you have questions about Nationals, please contact Laura Humphreys at
Player eligibility for an APA sanctioned Nationals event requires a competitor to have competed in an APA sanctioned tournament 12 months prior to the Nationals competition.
This means if a player was in a sanctioned tournament from October 2017 through October 2018 and have a current rating, they would be eligible to play in this year’s Nationals. This policy is to make sure all players are rated. Ratings will not change 6 weeks prior to Nationals, but if you are unrated and the Ratings Chair rates you….this is what we want. If you were planning to go to the Sugarloaf tournament and then Nationals, you will become rated and eligible to play.
FOREIGN PLAYER POLICY (from 2018 Standards Of Play)
a. A foreign player is defined as a player that has not
established a permanent United States domicile
for 12 consecutive months
b. A current APA membership does not nullify a player’s foreign
player status as being a foreign player
c. Eligibility to compete in international competitions for the APA
d. Eligibility to vote in APA elections if an Adult Member.
e. A limit of one foreign player per team will be allowed to play
at the APA national tournament with the following requirements:
1) They play in the A grade or
2) they play at an APA sanctioned tournament during the 12 months prior to obtain
a current APA rating.
f. If the division is 3-man then one of those players can be a foreign
player. If the division is 6-man then one of those players
can be a foreign player. If a division changes from 3-man to
6-man before the start of the tournament the club must rearrange
players and fi nd a replacement if two of the sections
had a foreign player.
The event is set to be over the course of the three days that have been listed and announced earlier in the year: October 5th, 6th and 7th at Harvest Farm, 832 Harvest Road in Harvest, AL. We usually start play at 8 AM Friday morning AFTER we do the Parade of Colors (where the teams come onto the field together for the National anthem). You will get all the information you will need for the event in the larger document that will be sent out soon and posted to the website. This will include more scheduling information too.
The entry fees will be $160 for players over 12 years old, and $100 for players 12 and under. This is a decrease from our last event two years ago. You will be able to see what APA young trainers in our new Crosse-Over-Challenge Program have done with their OTTB horses on Friday night under the lights. We have the same great concessions truck coming during the day to feed you. There will be Friday and Saturday night dinners included for players, and extra dinners for others can be bought. We are planning to have a band and will have a silent auction.
Our Silent Auction Chair is Jen Kimbrough Please contact her to donate an item or service to the auction and send her the item descriptions and value. The auction is fun to participate in and culminates on Saturday night. The more we get, the more fun we can have and we benefit the APA. Clubs: please send something for the auction…..if your club is not going to Nationals, send it along with someone who is.
Our sponsors are expected to have vendor spots…come support them and find some great feeds and supplements for your athlete. Information on Triple Crown and Uckele’s rebate programs for APA members is on the website’s home page and sponsor page:
We’ll work to have 6-man teams in all divisions, but realize that it is possible if there is an E Division and Masters that they might be sectionals. Need to have 3 sections to have a division. We want to have a Masters Division again!
MAKE YOUR PLANS TO COME! Take the trip, play on great fields and see your polocrosse friends from across the country. Online entry registration will be available in the near future. We will let you know!
If you know of a business or someone who would like to place an ad in the Nationals program please have them contact Laura Humphreys, Nationals Chair: She will have the exact sizes needed. The deadline is September 1st. The book is a nice 8.5 by 11 inches and available sizes are full page $500, half page $250, quarter page $100.
Other opportunities are a facebook posting (1 post) $250, vendor display fee $200 per tent, to have a logo on a multi-sponsor banner $100, happy hour sponsor $500 (3 max), dinner sponsor $500 (3 max).