Current Seniors:
The following positions are up for election this year: Vice President, Secretary To The Board, 2 Board At Large positions and 1 Zone Rep position. If you live in the Mountain-West Zone, you will vote for that Zone Representative.
Candidate information will also be posted on this site for 30 days. You can view the text on before you vote and it has been emailed to you as well. Candidate info will not be sent in regular mail.
All voting will be done online; the voting button and a code has been sent to you in an email from Voting will be open at on Wednesday, November 15th at 8 AM Central time and will close midnight December 15th Central time.
If you have a family or couple membership and your spouse did not get an email from ballotbin, it means their email was not entered into the system when you signed up. Please have them contact me and I can add them in during the 30 days given for voting. If you have trouble, please email Laura Humphreys at:
Candidates are listed in alphabetical order.
VICE PRESIDENT (You will vote for one)
Donna Ellis

It’s that time of year when most of our horses are taking a break from polocrosse while we are enjoying the holidays and catching back up on everyday life. But it’s also that time of year for planning out the polocrosse year…that means letting your voices be heard and supporting the sport we all love by stepping up and voting!
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a marketing and graphics creative specialist in the corporate and small business world. I have run my own business, Ellis Design Group for 27 years. I’ve got a fantastic family: Joe, my husband of over 38 years, Lauren (the red head APA ratings chair who got me into this sport), and my son Ross (who is an amazing young man and just built us a great barn!). Joe and I have recently moved to Whispering Pines, NC so I’m now officially a CPC member.
I’ve been a polocrosse mom and administrator in US Pony Club and was the organizer of polocrosse pony club championships for several years. Transitioning to the APA, I was on the committee of the Player Development Program, international and domestic tours youth team manager, APA board member, past APA website administrator, and now a “Masters” player.
I love the sport and am very thankful for the opportunities this organization has given me. Giving back by volunteering and helping to improve the APA has always been important to me, and after taking a year’s break, it’s time to step back up.
Our sport has seen a decrease in membership. The board has done a very good job of improving the rules and the ratings, and many clubs have begun holding clinics to educate the equestrian community. I believe that this new groundwork has set the stage for us to “restart” and increase membership once again. As Vice President, I’d focus on areas that would help revitalize various programs, encourage involvement from more members, and to inspire us all to reach out and show others what a fine sport and association we are.
I really would like to help keep the fun going, create “positive” change, continue to develop competitive SAFE polocrosse and help us be proud of the APA… Just ask me!
Charles Saussy

Charles was introduced to polocrosse four years ago and it didn’t take long for him to realize that polocrosse was an incredible sport involving some amazing people. In 2015, he was voted in as Vice President of the Grand Bay Polocrosse Club and as of 2016, he serves as the club President. He attended the University of Southern Mississippi for Construction Engineering. He has proven to be a leader, as he is the founder/CEO of a commercial construction company and served in the United States Marine Corps.
Charles and his wife, Karen, have immersed themselves in the polocrosse community. He has found that polocrosse offers several unique benefits that are hard to find in any other equine sport. He loves that polocrosse is such a friendly sport and can be played with friends and family members. It is not exclusive to age, skill, or economic background. With polocrosse being a small association, Charles believes there is no place in polocrosse for “politics”. This game is played for the sportsmanship, horsemanship, family, friends, and making lasting memories. He believes we must build each other up to better this sport.
As APA Vice President, Charles would like to promote and further develop the youth development program. As we all know, the youth are the future of this sport. He would also like to work with clubs at the local level to help bring more publicity to the sport of polocrosse. He would like to assist in bettering the current umpire program to help ensure safe and positive experiences for players and horses. If elected to the board, Charles will bring the energy, enthusiasm, and dedication that is needed to help grow our sport.
When you vote, think Charles Saussy and let’s make the APA great!!
Sara Cifelli

My name is Sara Cifelli and I am running for the position of APA Secretary. I have been playing polocrosse since 2002 in Pony Club and since 2005 in the APA. During that time I helped start Bucks County Polocrosse Club in New Jersey and Pennsylvania as founding secretary, as well as participated in multiple APA international youth tours while in high school. During college and after graduation, I have relocated to North Carolina and play with Carolina Polocrosse Club. I attend most Eastern Zone tournaments annually as well as sell polocrosse equipment.
In my professional life I have a degree in business administration and work at an equine vet clinic during the day. I will bring the organizational and managerial skills from my career into my position in the APA to work towards a well-structured, functional organizational that is better able to reach out to new members and maintain present ones. Creating a positive experience at tournaments, clinics, and international exchanges will achieve this goal.
As secretary, I hope to be able to provide organized and useful notes from the board meetings so that we can continue to grow as a successful organization. My years of experience in multiple facets of the sport provide me with a broad perspective of the overall US player population, which can help improve our sport and make it appealing to new membership.
BOARD AT LARGE (You can vote for two)
Nick Balogh

I started playing polocrosse while I was in pony club, about 20 years ago. Soon thereafter I joined the APA and have been an active member ever since. Over the years I have attended almost every polocrosse venue in the country, which has taken me and my horses half way across the country. I have participated in many of the international tours and I coached last year’s U16 tour to Australia.
I believe that the APA has done well in the past to create opportunities for their members to play polocrosse in and outside of the country; I would like to make sure that this organization continues to do so. I would like to see the APA put more emphasis into expanding the sport both at the junior level and also for the adult players as well. As an organization, we should be making it easier to start up clubs, conduct clinics, and put on tournaments. This is why I would like to run for the position of board at large for the American Polocrosse Association.
Thank you.
Glenn Bigsby

Hello, my name is Glenn Bigsby. I have been a part of the Polocrosse community for the last eight years. I love this sport, and have since the first time I picked up a racket. It has been a huge part of my life, and has really helped me grow as a person. Recently, I have been working a lot on building a club in Montana with my mother, and have been able to bring many new people to the sport. We have put a lot of time into making sure that our club runs as smoothly as possible, and makes people want to come back every week.
I have been a part of clubs in both the Eastern and Mountain zones, which has shown me that while the zones are very different, they all struggle with a lot of similar issues. I believe I could provide a helpful opinion on many of our key issues, along with providing ideas to help better and grow our sport. I have excellent problem solving skills and am always happy to help think of ways to better our sport. In the end this is all about making our sport as enjoyable and smooth running as possible, and I feel I can help make this sport as great as it can be.
Cile Savoy

Over the past four years, I have served as both the Western Zone Rep. and as a Board at Large for the APA. For three years I have served as the United States Pony Club (USPC) – APA liaison. During that time I have worked to bridge the gap between the two organizations so they may work more cohesively with one another. Some of the changes I have helped implement within the USPC are:
1) USPC to allow Stock Saddles to be used for certifications. Since many members play polocrosse exclusively, it did not make sense for the added expense of an English saddle in order for a member to take a certification. Stock saddles share many of the same structural features as Western Saddles, which are allowed, so the change made sense.
2) USPC to allow Stock Saddles beginning at the D1 level in competition. Previously, a member was required to play in an English saddle until they reached a D3 certification. Stock Saddles with swinging fenders are now allowed.
3) Rewrite the USPC rulebook to more closely align with the APA rules and eliminate outdated rules that posed confusion for members who played in both organizations.
4) Allow APA youth members to participate in USPC Championships. With the lack of polocrosse rallies across the US, members who played polocrosse exclusively have not been able to rally to obtain the Horse Management score necessary to qualify to participate in Championships. This new format allows those members to now participate in Championships by participating in two APA sanctioned tournaments.
During the course of my tenure we have seen an increase in the number of clinics and participation of USPC members in polocrosse. I have worked to promote polocrosse at the USPC yearly convention and to connect USPC members with APA clubs and clinicians. This coming year, USPC has 3-4 multi-regional polocrosse rallies planned.
The Crosse-Over Challenge is something that Lindsey and I spearheaded over the past year and a half. With the help of many APA members, we have been able to implement a competitive program that promotes horsemanship to our youth. Once accepted into the program, members are able to adopt an OTTB to retrain for polocrosse. These members will compete against each other with our first competition being next October at Nationals. I look forward to continuing to work on this project to completion and improving it to offer to all our membership.
During my time on the board, I have done my best to make decisions that I feel benefit the APA membership as a whole. I look forward to the opportunity to continue to work on your behalf. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Susan Hatch

I have been privileged to serve as your Zone Rep for the last four years. We have been working to add new clubs and members this last year, and made an amazing showing at last year’s Nationals that still gives me goosebumps when I think about it.
But there is more that we can do. We can add more events that are closer for us, elevate our play, and we can reach out to potential players (and maybe some old ones) to help increase our numbers. I also think that we can do more to include our newly added players on the west coast.
Polocrosse started in this country in the west and the west was the place to be for many years. I’d love to see us again be the place where everyone wants to play.